“To enrich the Library with books, journals and e-resources”
Identity card is compulsory to all the students enrolled.
Every student entering the library premises should possess identity card it must be produced as and when demanded.
Duplicate Identity card will be issued, if necessary, at 5/-
Two books at a time will be issued to the students.
The book must be returned on or before the due date.
Delay in returning the books within prescribed due date will make students liable to the fined.
Students should take care of books issued to them. They should inform about missing pages to be library staff at the time of issue and obtain attestation of library staff at the missing part of the book.
Any attempt to damage the book or cutting out any matter from the book or defacing or tearing pages will be treated as misconduct. Defaulter will be strictly dealt with.
Misbehavior will be a sufficient reason for cancellation of admission.
A particular day is allotted to each class for issue of books.
All the books issued to the students must be returned before the commencement of annual exam.
Reference books/Rare books are not issued out. However, they can be made available to the students only in the reading room.
In case of any grievances, contact the librarian.
Reading Room remains open from 7.30am to 5.30pm on every working day.
Admission to Reading Room without identity card is prohibited.
Student can borrow textbooks, magazines, question paper sets, etc on their identity card.
Books and periodicals for comp. exam. Are available in Reading Room.
Books/Study material issues from reading room will have to be returned before leaving the Reading Room.
Any student found guilty of taking away the books of Reading Room to home shall be charged a fine of 10/-
The Night library remains open from January every year between 7.00pm to 11.30pm on every working day.
Indiscipline/Misbehavior in Reading Room shall not be tolerated.
Silence must be strictly observed in the Reading Room.
Internet / Digital facility is for all students.
Every student will get 1hr. for the use of Internet.
Students must register their name & timing, one day before.
Playing games, chatting, Downloading any pictures/ songs, Videos & misuse of internet is not allowed.
Do not save any material on PC.
Printing / Downloading is allowed with prior permission of Librarian.